I just quit smoking, lot of things on my plate, been fighting the system from within its grasps. Feeling a little bit discouraged. I feel like unloading a bit of it. This may scare some off but gotta post the truth, as I see it. You can disagree if you would like.
To the elitists, to the racists, to the moderates, to the I don't cares, to the Liberals, to the Conservatives, to the pessimists, to the consciously blinded, to the I don't have enough timers. This is real. This world is real. The consequence of how you live your life is real. We have the power to make change, we have the power to achieve a much more peaceful, humane world. We are destroying the environment, we are shielding our eyes to the things we don't want to face, and we are allowing a majority of the people on this planet to suffer. Right now, the world produces enough food to feed every person 2800 calories. Yet hundreds of millions starve. And this is with unproductive current policies and industries and the concealment of better technologies. Tuberculosis is the number 3 cause of death amongst adults in the world, yet, tuberculosis is 98% curable with the correct treatments. Why?!? We are allowing the hoarding of money and power by some to trump the well being of billions of people. The poor and the helpless are not given access to materials because they were born in a less fortunate situation. That makes no sense. None.
We sit over here on the pedestal, claiming moral superiority, acting as if we know what is best. Look at what we have done to this world, do you really think we do? Consuming up every resource we can. Pillaging and destroying the earth that sustains us. I do this while propping up sports stars as hero's, aspiring to be them. Actors, actresses and musicians consume our time of reflection, our time to make sense of this world. We idolize, mimic, and watch while the hero's dictate what is important. While other people determine what is best for us as individuals. The system controls our lives with propaganda. We are fed garbage as "information". And we buy it. We believe that Politicians make respectable policy choices, we believe that poverty is inevitable, we believe change is too hard, and the truth is too scary to see. Poverty is a real issue, it is the most atrocious issue of our time. But excess poverty is the true measuring stick of how morally "superior" we are.
This superiority has resulted with human suffering being less important then celeb weddings, music, bank accounts, liberal v. conservative, the controversy over allowing the marriage of two people that love each other, convenience, consumption and the search for peoples differences. Enough is enough, Are we just gonna blindly bull doze forward, hope that the thing doesn't come crashing down during our lifetime. Leave it for our grand kids. We do have the power to change this, it just takes every one to make a little effort. Whether that effort is only to open your eyes a little bit wider or make a life choice not to support a certain injustice. There is a lot to see and we are not as insignificant as we think we are. Don't dismiss these views as radical or utopian. Don't ridicule people that actually care to know as if they are weird or crazy while you bury your face in celebrity gossip, sports, fictional movies, and what the system deems important. Don't hide behind the long list of excuses we have made for each ourselves.
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